Sunday, October 28, 2012

update for October 24, 2012

No major changes were observed in the MicroAquarium other than a decrease in the water level and a lightening of the color of the pods on the Utricularia gibba L..

All organisms noted at the time of aquariums set-up were still present.

Using the microscope's 40x magnification, several microscopic organisms were observed.

Image captured using a Sony HDR-HC9 video camera attached to an Olympus CH30 microscope.
In the top-left corner of the view is Haltera sp. (fig. 304 p139 Patterson 1998).  Between the Haltera sp. and the unknown object is Tachysoma sp. (fig. 265 p125 Patterson 1998).  Both organisms are motile.

Patterson, D. J., and Stuart Hedley. Free-Living Freshwater Protozoa: A Colour Guide. London: Manson, 1998.

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